AP Exam Registration Service - Features List
Customized Registration
Total Registration’s customized registration is the heart of our system. School coordinators take control of the registration process and personalize their web-based registration site so students have easy access to register for exams and can pay online. Registration configuration is made easy with our library of pre-defined questions to choose from or create your own.
Benefits for Schools:
- Everything is online, no wasted paper
- Given a dedicated registration URL that can be linked from the school’s website
- Personalize site with school colors, logo, etc
- Choose from pre-defined questions or create your own
- Choose exam fee structure; add late fees, fee waivers, etc
- Include permission forms for off-site testing
Benefits for Students:
- Pay online with credit or debit card
- Print registration confirmations
- Add exams or request a cancellation after initial registration
- Apply for financial assistance
- Register at any time, no waiting in line at school
One Click Reports
Capture real-time data in our easily accessible pre-defined reports or customized reports. Gather information about students, financials, and exams at the click of a button.
- Exam Reports
- Exam Rosters by exam or download your entire roster
- Total exam counts allows you to quickly see how many exams to order
- Registration Overview shows a summary of exams registered, fees collected, and other useful statistics
- Alternate exams displays students registered for exams on the alternate testing dates
- Email exam rosters to teachers
- Student Reports
- Student List shows all registered students and their exams
- Accommodations reports allows you to quickly approve or deny students who have requested special accommodations
- Exam Conflicts displays students who registered for AP exams given at the same date/time
- AP/IB Exam Conflicts (for schools offering both services) identifies students registered for AP and IB exams at the same date/time
- Demographic reports offers you a breakdown of your registrants by ethnicity and gender
- Free/Reduced Lunch reports display students who receive discounted exams due to the Federal Free/Reduced Lunch Program
- Custom Reports allows you to set the data you desire to see
- Finance Reports
- View, enter, and edit payments and waivers
- Manage financial assistance requests
- Modify the waiver amount granted to Free/Reduced Lunch students
- Discrepancy reports display balance due, paid in full, and overpaid
- Record refunds
Communications Center
Communicating with students, parents, teachers,and proctors just became easier. You can send email and text a variety of messages at the click of a button:
- Students with a Balance Due
- Individual Student Exam Schedules/Rooms
- Send Exam Rosters to Teachers
- Send Proctors Their Schedule
- Email Students Taking a Particular Exam
- Students Taking Alternate Exams
- Students with Multiple Exams in a Day
- Free/Reduced Lunch Student
- And Many More . . .
Database Management
Capture and manage all student data entered in the Total Registration system. You can download and import your database to Microsoft Excel, Access, or any other database software.
Use our Mail Merge tool for creating a table used for labels or letters. Many schools use this feature to create labels for student packs.
Seating Charts
Schools can easily assign students to different testing rooms and even generate seating charts for each room. The Seating Chart tool allows you to auto-assign students to seats or you can drag-and-drop them to specific seats.
Teacher Logins
Schools can allow teachers to login to review the rosters of the exams they teach. Teachers reviewing rosters greatly increases the accuracy of the exam order. Since teachers are always up to date, they can remind students to register in a timely manner.
Families Can Pay Online
Schools can accept registration payments online or have them mailed directly to Total Registration. Total Registration will process all the payments, send receipts, record payments and handle any refunds.