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2024 AP Exam Score Distributions

Total Registration will once again compile the AP exam score distributions as the College Board releases them beginning in June. In the meantime, we encourage you to check out the distributions from the previous years.

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AP Score Distributions 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011

This table is sortable by clicking on the header - Clicking on an Exam Name will show a comparison of the score distributions for all years compiled

Exam 5 4 3 2 1 3+ Date Tweeted Trevor's Comments
2-D Art and Design 11.0% 29.0% 43.0% 14.0% 3.0% 83% Jun 25
  • 280 students so far, out of ~48,000 worldwide, who submitted A&D: 2D portfolios achieved all 100/100 points possible across all of their works; we’ll notify the students and schools in September.
  • Portfolios: the five Selected Works count for 40% of the AP score, and this year, 3% of students earned perfect scores of 40/40 on their Selected Works.
  • To view a selection of the impressive works AP Art and Design students are creating, here’s a link to AP’s digital exhibit of remarkable 2023 works,; we’ll publish a similar exhibit of highlights from this year’s portfolios.
3-D Art and Design 7.0% 24.0% 41.0% 23.0% 5.0% 72% Jun 25
  • So far, 63 of ~9,000 students worldwide who submitted A&D: 3D portfolios achieved all 100/100 points possible across all of their work; we’ll notify the students and schools in September.
  • Portfolios: the five Selected Works count for 40% of the AP score, and this year, 3% of students earned perfect scores of 40/40 on their Selected Works.
  • To view a selection of the impressive works AP Art and Design students are creating, here’s a link to AP’s digital exhibit of remarkable 2023 works,; we’ll publish a similar exhibit of highlights from this year’s portfolios.
African American Studies 15.0% 30.0% 28.0% 19.0% 8.0% 73% Jun 25
  • Congrats to the students who took the first official AP African American Studies Exam this year; faculty from colleges and universities nationwide reviewed each question and have attested to the college-level standards of the exam that students must meet to receive scores of 3+.
  • 3 AP African American Studies students, out of those whose exams have been scored so far, have earned all 100/100 points possible across their project, the 4 free-response questions & the multiple-choice section. So impressive; we’ll notify them and their schools in September.
  • MC questions: students demonstrated especially strong knowledge of units 2 (Freedom, Enslavement & Resistance) and 4 (Movements & Debates), with ~20% of students earning most or all of these points. Tthe most challenging unit for students was 3 (from Reconstruction to the Great Migration); ~11% of students earned most or all of these points.
  • FR questions: Students scored best on Q1 (W.E.B. Du Bois’s Niagara Movement Speech) and Q2 (Mali Empire). FRQ4 on religious traditions was the most challenging for students; ~46% earned 0 points on it, suggesting a need for greater focus on this important theme within the course.
AP Research 12.0% 26.0% 47.0% 12.0% 3.0% 85% Jun 26
  • 409 students so far, out of ~36,000 who submitted AP Research papers, earned all 80/80 points possible across their academic paper, presentation, and oral defense. We’ll notify them and their schools in the fall when all late exam scoring is complete.
AP Seminar 9.0% 20.0% 60.0% 10.0% 1.0% 89% Jun 28
  • Congratulations to this year’s AP Seminar students and teachers, who demonstrated strong performance across their projects, presentations, and essays, while also expanding access to 33% more students, the largest growth of any AP subject this year.
  • AP Seminar’s large growth has come primarily as schools have opted to offer the course to a broad range of students in English 10, a practice supported by the research on the ways AP Seminar boosts academic performance in grades 11, 12, and college.
  • AP Seminar students did consistently good work across all components of the team and individual performance tasks and the final exam; particularly so in the Team Multimedia Presentation & Defense, with 20% earning all 24/24 possible pts.
  • Like last year, AP Seminar students excelled at their Oral Defenses, with 42% earning all 12/12 possible pts.
  • View the 2024 AP Seminar free-response questions here:,
Art History 14.0% 21.0% 28.0% 25.0% 12.0% 63% Jun 21
  • MC questions: Students’ scores were strong across this section; the best performance was on Unit 1 (Global Prehistory); an impressive 40% of students earned all points. Unit 5 (Indigenous Americas) proved to be the most challenging; 7% earned all points.
  • Essays: students performed very well on Q3, the visual analysis of Faith Ringgold’s Tar Beach quilt; 53% of students got most points on this short essay.
  • The two most challenging FRQs were long essays: (Q1) demonstrating cultural exchange by comparing the Screen with the Siege of Belgrade and Hunting Scene with another work of students’ choosing; 2% of students earned all 8 points; and (Q2) contextualizing architectural revivals, 4% of students earned all 6 points.
Biology 16.0% 23.0% 29.0% 22.0% 10.0% 68% Jun 27
  • AP Biology MC questions: students score incredibly well across Ecology questions (Unit 8), with a massive 50% of students answering most or all such questions correctly. Performance on Cell Communication / Cell Cycle questions (Unit 4) was also very high.
  • The only unit where AP Biology students really struggled in the MC section was Gene Expression and Regulation (Unit 6); on average, students answered half of these questions correctly.
  • AP Biology FR questions: many students demonstrated such strong knowledge and skills on the scientific investigation (Q3); 22% of students earned every point possible on it.
  • The most difficult component of this year’s AP Biology Exam was FRQ5 (analysis of a model / visual); if you’re feeling up to a real challenge, give it a try:
Calculus AB 21.0% 28.0% 15.0% 23.0% 13.0% 64% Jun 28
  • This was a score verification year for AP Calculus AB, in which data scientists confirm AP student performance in college math sequences in comparison to college calculus students. The score distribution reflects these strong findings for AP Calc AB teachers & students.
  • 22 AP Calculus AB students, out of ~251,000 worldwide whose exams have been scored so far, earned all 108/108 points possible on this year’s free-response and MC questions. We’ll notify these students and their schools in September.
  • MC questions: students scored higher on Unit 8 (Applications of Integration) and Unit 3 (Differentiation: Composite, Implicit & Inverse Functions). ~21% of students earned all points possible on Unit 8 MCQs.
  • FR questions: Q1 is the best preview of what a students’ AP score will be, as it measured across the full range of college A-F work; AP 5s are typically able to earn 8-9 of these pts; AP 3s are typically able to earn 5+ points here:
  • AP Calculus AB FR question: Q5 is the most difficult/advanced question this year, aimed at the strongest Calc AB students; AP 5s can generally earn 7+ of these points:
Calculus BC 45.0% 22.0% 13.0% 15.0% 5.0% 80% Jun 28
  • Congrats to AP Calc AB & BC teachers & students: learning is now back to pre-pandemic levels. Also, score verification this year confirmed that the standards long in place for this exam remain appropriate for predicting success when students place ahead in college math sequences.
  • 41 AP Calculus BC students, out of ~119,000 worldwide whose exams have been scored so far, earned all 108/108 points possible on this year’s free-response and MC questions. We’ll notify these students and their schools in September.
  • AP Calc BC soared across most of the MC section, although many found Infinite Sequences and Series (Unit 10) quite challenging; 23% of students earned most of those available points.
  • FR questions: Q5 is a good predictor of whether a student will score a 3+; you generally need to be able to earn 4 or more of the points on it:
  • FR questions: the most advanced question was Q6 (Maclaurin series), aimed at the strongest BC students; students getting 1s/2s are generally unable to earn any of these points:
Chemistry 17.0% 27.0% 31.0% 17.0% 7.0% 75% Jun 17

This year’s AP Chemistry students demonstrated mastery similar to last year’s strong group, with 75% earning scores of 3 or higher.

14 AP Chemistry students, out of ~129,000 worldwide whose exams have been scored so far, earned all 100 points possible across the 7 free-response questions and the MC questions covering all 9 units of the course. We’ll notify them and their schools in September.

AP Chemistry MC section: students performed least well on questions about thermodynamics and equilibrium (Unit 6, 7, 9: 20% of students earned most or all of these points).

AP Chemistry FR section: many students scored very well on Q4 (specific heat capacity); 26% earned every point possible there; many also did well on Q2 ( the maleic acid / sodium bicarbonate reaction): 33% earned high scores on it.

AP Chemistry FR section: the two most challenging questions were Q1 (lactic acid titration) and Q3 (sterling silver structure); students able to get 8-10 points on both are typically receiving an overall AP score of 5.

Chinese Lang. and Culture 50.0% 20.0% 17.0% 6.0% 7.0% 87% Jun 17
  • 72% of AP Chinese examinees are heritage speakers of the language.
  • This year’s AP Chinese students earned their highest scores, generally, on Q1 in which they chose to write a narrative about clothing exchange in Pinyin Simplified, Pinyin Traditional, or Bopomofo. 59% of students earned 5-6 out of 6 points possible.
  • The most challenging task for AP Chinese students this year was Q2 in which they were asked to respond to an email, addressing a question about the ways technology would impact their futures. 36% of students earned all 6/6 points possible on it.
Computer Science A 24.0% 22.0% 20.0% 11.0% 23.0% 66% Jun 25
  • MC questions: This year’s students scored very well across all units, with esp. strong performance on Primitive Types (Unit 1) & Boolean Expressions / if Statements (Unit 3). Even higher: 23% earned all points possible on Iteration (Unit 4).
  • Free-response scores: Students did an amazing job with Q2 (writing of a Scoreboard class for a game); ~30% of students earned all 9 possible points.
  • As with last year, the most challenging free-response question on this year’s AP Computer Science A exam was Q4 on 2D Array; to earn a 3+ score, students typically needed to obtain some of these points, and to earn a 5, most of these 9 points.
Computer Science Principles 11.0% 21.0% 33.0% 21.0% 14.0% 65% Jun 26
  • Students excelled on questions about Computing Innovations & Responsible Computing with an enormous 35% earning at least 20 or more of 22 total points. More challenging were questions on Code Analysis with 23% earning most pts.
  • ~12% of AP Computer Science Principles students earned 6/6 possible points on the Create project (which is 30% of the AP score); AP CSP Create Task: % of students earning each point: •Video: 96% •Program Requirements: 78% •Program Design / Function: 80% •Algorithm Development: 57% •Errors & Testing: 33% •Data & Procedural: 22%
Drawing 15.0% 31.0% 38.0% 13.0% 3.0% 84% Jun 26
  • So far, 228 of ~23,000 students worldwide who submitted A&D: Drawing portfolios achieved all 100/100 points possible across all of their works; we’ll notify the students and schools in September.
  • Portfolios: the five Selected Works count for 40% of the AP score, and this year, ~5% of students earned perfect scores of 40/40 on their Selected Works.
  • To view a selection of the impressive works AP Art and Design students are creating, here’s a link to AP’s digital exhibit of remarkable 2023 works,; we’ll publish a similar exhibit of highlights from this year’s portfolios.
English Language 9.0% 21.0% 24.0% 29.0% 17.0% 54% Jun 26
  • 24 students, out of 380,000 worldwide whose exams have been scored so far, earned all 100/100 points possible across their three essays and & the multiple-choice section. We’ll notify them and their schools in September.
  • Free-response questions: I’ll comment in the next few posts on student performance on the Set 1 essay prompts, since most students received that set. Here’s a link to them:
  • Many students crafted strong synthesis essays on historic preservation laws (Set 1, Q1): thesis point: 96% earned; evidence/commentary: 19% earned all 4 pts; 38% earned 3 pts, 31% earned 2 pts, 8% earned 1 pt, 4% earned 0 pts; sophistication pt: 8% earned.
  • The AP Eng Lang exam most challenging Set 1 part: essay 2, analysis of Reshma Saujani’s rhetorical choices; thesis point: 90% earned; evidence/commentary: 12% earned all 4 pts, 33% earned 3 pts, 37% earned 2 pts, 13% earned 1 pt, 5% earned 0 pts; sophistication pt: 8% earned.
  • AP English Language essay 3 – the Set 1 argument re: selfies. Thesis pt: 97% earned; evidence/commentary: 12% earned all 4 pts, 36% earned 3 pts, 36% earned 2 pts, 11% earned 1 pt, 5% earned 0 pts; sophistication pt: 8% earned.
English Literature 13.0% 27.0% 32.0% 17.0% 11.0% 72% Jun 18
  • AP English Literature MC section: students demonstrated strongest literary analysis skills on questions that measured skill 6, the function of comparisons in a text; 24% of students earned all available points for this skill.
  • AP English Literature essays – I’ll comment on Set 1, the paper version taken by most students this year: students scored highest on the poetry analysis (Q1;analysis of John Rollin Ridge’s 1868 poem “To a Star Seen at Twilight”); 21% of students earned 5-6 of the 6 pts possible.
  • The most challenging essay this year for AP English Lit students was the prose analysis (Q2; analysis of an excerpt from Mavis Gallant’s short story “One Morning in June”); 16% of students earned 5-6 points of the 6 points possible on it.


Environmental Science 9.0% 27.0% 18.0% 26.0% 20.0% 54% Jun 21
  • 1 AP Environmental Science student, out of 222,000 worldwide whose exams have been scored so far, earned all 130/130 points possible across the 3 free-response questions & the multiple-choice section. We’ll notify the student and school in September.
  • AP Environmental Science MC questions: like last year, students performed best on questions about Unit 4 (Earth Systems & Resources); ~44% of students answered 100% of these questions correctly; incredibly, this is a major increase from last year when ~24% earned all points.
  • Unit 1 (Ecosystems) continues to be the multiple-choice section with the lowest average scores, but ~16% got every point possible; a 7% increase over last year.
  • AP Environmental Science FR question (commenting on the version taken by most students): students performed well on Q3 (analyzing nuclear power); 11% of students earned at least 9 of the 10 possible points.
  • Q2 (global warming / land use) was the most challenging; 1% earned at least 9/10 points.
European History 13.0% 34.0% 25.0% 21.0% 7.0% 72% Jun 27
  • Every 5-10 years, each AP subject’s scores are verified by researchers; more details have been posted on the Online Teacher Community for AP US History and AP Euro History teachers interested in these details.
  • This year, the 3 AP history exam results were verified against large college data sets; the 2024 scores reflect the latest research, confirming World History’s standards unchanged, and updating the APUSH and AP Euro standards.
  • 1 student, out of ~52,000 worldwide whose exams have been scored so far, earned all 140/140 points possible across the DBQ, long essay, short answers, and multiple-choice questions. We’ll notify the student and school in September.
  • MC questions: students really excelled on the period 1648-1815 (units 3-5), 20% of students answered virtually all such questions correctly.
  • The most challenging questions on this year’s AP European History exam were Short Answer #2 (German nationalism) and #4 (20th century European democracies); the average score on each was 44%.
  • The AP European History DBQ on nineteenth century feminist movements: 75% of students earned the thesis point; 55% earned contextualization; 95% earned 1+ evidence pt; 37% earned 1+ analysis/reasoning pt.
  • AP European History Long Essays are an ideal difficulty level for distinguishing between A, B, and C college-level performance; AP 5s can generally earn all these points; AP 4s can earn 4+ points; AP 3s can earn 3+ points.
French Language 14.0% 24.0% 33.0% 23.0% 6.0% 71% Jun 26
  • 25% of AP French examinees are heritage speakers of the language.
  • There was a significant increase in scores related to listening this year, with 19% of students earning most points; compared to 2% last year.
  • Out of ~18,000 students whose AP French exams have been scored so far, 1 earned every point possible (130/130) across the cultural presentation, conversation, argumentative essay, email writing, and MC questions. We’ll notify the student and their school in September.
  • AP French Language MC questions: students performed well in all sections; scoring highest on unit 4 (science & technology) and lowest on unit 3 (beauty & art).
  • Students generally had great success on each of the 4 French FR questions; the highest scores were on Q4 (a presentation comparing cuisines of 2 cultures) with 20% earning all possible points; a significant 6% jump compared to last year. Félicitations!
German Language 24.0% 18.0% 25.0% 22.0% 11.0% 67% Jun 24
  • 29% of AP German examinees are heritage speakers of the language.
  • Out of ~3,500 students whose AP German exams have been scored to date, 20 earned every point possible across their cultural presentation, conversation, argumentative essay, email writing, and MC questions. We’ll notify them and their schools in September.
  • AP German Language MC questions: students scored highest on questions about quality of life (unit 5) and weakest on questions about science/technology (unit 4).
  • AP German FR questions: students scored similarly well across each of the FR questions – no weak links in this year’s students’ interpersonal and presentational writing and speaking. Highest of all was the cultural presentation (Q4) on a role played by art in a German-speaking region chosen by the student.
Government and Politics, Comp. 16.0% 24.0% 33.0% 15.0% 12.0% 73% Jun 21
  • Huge congratulations to AP Comparative Government & Politics teachers & students; this year’s group achieved the highest percentage of 3+ scores of any in the past 14 years of reviewing AP Comparative Govt performance.
  • 4 AP Comparative Government students, out of 21,000 worldwide whose exams have been scored so far, earned all 120/120 points possible across the 4 free-response questions & the multiple-choice section. We’ll notify them and their schools in September.
  • AP Comparative Government MC questions: students scored highest on questions about Unit 3 (Political Culture and Participation) at least 38% of students answered 100% of these questions correctly; a remarkable increase over last year when 16% earned all points.
  • The most challenging questions were from Unit 2 (Political Institutions); ~2% answered all questions correctly.
  • AP Comparative Government FR questions: many students performed well on both versions of Q2, which involved quantitative analysis of civil liberties and freedom of the press, respectively.…;
Government and Politics, US 24.0% 25.0% 24.0% 18.0% 19.0% 73% Jun 28
  • This year was a college score verification year for AP US Govt (happens every 5-10 years). We’ve posted info on this year’s score verification process within the Online Teacher Community for AP Gov teachers.
  • Many AP US Gov classes have transitioned in recent years from semester to yearlong, such that AP students are now receiving on average 125 hours of instruction on this material, compared to the 48 hours college students get, part of the reason for the high % of 4s/5s.
  • Colleges assign 85% of their Intro Gov students a grade of C or higher; researchers found that those standards are inflated, and instead ~75% is the evidence-based proportion of AP US Gov students who are prepared to receive credit and skip ahead.
  • 299 AP US Government students, out of ~330,000 worldwide whose exams have been scored so far, earned all 120/120 points possible on this year’s essays, short answers and MC questions. We’ll notify these students and their schools in September.
  • AP US Government MC questions: student performance is sky high across the MC section, especially on data analysis questions and unit 5 (Political Participation); most students answered most or all of these questions correctly.
  • AP US Government FR questions: students scored highest on the SCOTUS comparison (Q3) and found Q1 most challenging.
Human Geography 18.0% 20.0% 18.0% 14.0% 30.0% 56% Jun 20
  • Kudos to AP Human Geography teachers and students, who demonstrated stronger content mastery in the multiple-choice section than any other cohort. Accordingly, this year’s students achieved a higher % of 3+ scores than prior groups. (Remember that this is the only AP subject taken primarily by 9th graders, so AP 1s are also more common in this subject than most others.)
  • 1 AP Human Geography student, out of the ~250,000 whose exams have been scored so far, has earned each of the 120 points possible across all of the free-response and MC questions. We’ll notify this student and school in September.
  • MC questions: students showed strongest understanding of Cultural Patterns & Processes (Unit 3), followed by Agriculture & Rural Land-Use Patterns (Unit 5); ~20% of students earned 9-10 of the 10 available points for each of these units.
  • FR questions (commenting on Set 1, the version taken by most students):
    • Q1 was the most difficult of the exam, so to earn a 5, students generally needed to obtain 5 of these 7 advanced points; to earn a 3, students generally needed to earn 3 of these points.
    • To ensure students aren’t advantaged or disadvantaged by the specific version of the exam they receive, the analyses psychometricians conduct after the exam determine how many points on each exam question are necessary.
    • For example, AP Human Geography’s Set 2, Q3 was not as difficult as Set 1, Q3. So to receive an AP 5 on Set 2, students generally needed to earn all 7 points on Q3; to receive an AP 3, students generally needed to earn 5 of 7 points.
Italian Language and Culture 20.0% 22.0% 29.0% 18.0% 11.0% 71% Jun 26
  • 27% of AP Italian examinees are heritage speakers of the language.
  • 1 student, out of ~2,000 students whose AP Italian exams have been scored so far, earned every point possible (130/130) across the cultural presentation, conversation, argumentative essay, email writing, and MC questions. We’ll notify the student and their school in September.
  • AP Italian Language MC questions: students performed evenly across all sections; scoring highest on unit 5 (the quality of daily life) and lowest on unit 4 (science & technology).
  • Students performed impressively on all 4 Italian FR questions; highest scores were on Q1 (writing an email reply) with a remarkable 36% earning all possible pts;
  • most challenging was Q4 (a presentation comparing public celebrations in 2 cultures) though a substantial 18% earned all possible pts. Complimenti!
Japanese Lang. and Culture 47.0% 10.0% 17.0% 8.0% 18.0% 74% Jun 17
  • 55% of AP Japanese examinees are heritage speakers of the language.
  • Out of 2,500 students worldwide who took the AP Japanese Language Exam, 3 students earned every point possible: 100% of MC questions, chat simulation, article writing, conversation, and their presentation. We’ll notify them and their schools in September.
  • AP Japanese Language MC questions: students performed best on questions from Unit 4 (science & technology) and least well on questions from Unit 6 (environmental, political, social challenges).
  • The most challenging task for AP Japanese students this year was Q4, in which they developed and delivered a short presentation on roles of nature in Japanese culture. 19% of students earned all 6 points possible on it.
  • This year’s AP Japanese students earned their highest scores, generally, on Q3, a conversation about travel to Japan; 42% of students earned exceptionally high points for their proficiency during this conversation.


Latin 12.0% 17.0% 28.0% 23.0% 20.0% 57% Jun 26
  • So far, out of ~4,000 students who took this year’s AP Latin Exam, 16 earned all 100/100 points possible across the questions, translations, and essays; 14 more than last year! We’ll notify them and their schools in September.
  • AP Latin multiple-choice questions: students performed very well on the poetry sight-reading and the Caesar syllabus-reading, with 20% and 14% of students earning all possible points, respectively.

  • AP Latin free-response questions: students scored well on both short answers (Q4: Book 2 of the Aeneid & Q5: Bellum Gallicum 6.13); 27% and 31% of students earned most pts, respectively.

  • The analytical essay Q3 was the most challenging FR this year, yet 16% of students still earned 4/5 or 5/5 possible pts.

Macroeconomics 16.0% 21.0% 25.0% 23.0% 15.0% 62% Jun 20
  •  Short FR questions: very difficult questions, which distinguish between 3s, 4s, & 5s. To get a 5, students generally earned most of these points; students earning 3s could start but not correctly answer all parts; students unable to begin these questions are typically receiving 1s/2s.
  • Long FR (commenting on the version taken by the most students): Q1 was very difficult, several points were designed to identify the most advanced students; so to get an AP 5, students generally needed to earn 7-8 of these 10 pts possible:
  • MC questions: Students are mastering basic economic concepts (Unit 1); 30% earned all available points for that unit; the most challenging was Financial Sector (Unit 4); 8% earned all such points.
  • 12 AP Macroeconomics students, out of the ~129,000 whose exams have been scored so far, have earned each of the 90 points possible across all of the free-response and MC questions. We’ll notify them and their schools in September.
Microeconomics 17.0% 25.0% 23.0% 21.0% 14.0% 65% Jun 20
  • AP Microeconomics MC questions: Students generally showed strong mastery of basic economic principles (Unit 1) and supply/demand (Unit 2); 25% of students earned most or all available points for these units.
  • AP Microeconomics MC questions: The most challenging units were Factor Markets (5) and Market Failure (6); the avg score on these units was 50% correct.
  • AP Microeconomics Long FR question (commenting on the version taken by most students): many students did great work here; 25% of students earned 9 or 10 of the 10 possible pts; to receive an AP 3, students generally earned half of the available pts here.
  • AP Microeconomics Short FR questions: students scored significantly higher on Q3 than Q2; on Q3, students receiving AP 5s generally answered each part correctly. Students earning AP 4s answered all but one part correctly, students earning 3s could answer 3 parts correctly.
Music Theory 19.0% 18.0% 24.0% 25.0% 14.0% 61% Jun 27
  • MC questions: like last year, students performed excellently on questions about pitch, major scales & key signatures, rhythm, meter, & expressive elements (Unit 1), with 20% earning most pts.
  • MC questions on Harmony & Voice Leading: Chord Progressions & Predominant Function (Unit 5) were most challenging.
  • FR questions: students surpassed last years’ strong scores on Q5 (Part Writing from Figured Bass), with 23% of students earning at least 22 of the 25 possible points. Q2, a melodic dictation task, was again the most difficult AP Music Theory FR question for students, with ~27% scoring 0 or 1 out of the 9 points possible.
Physics 1 - Algebra Based 8.0% 18.0% 20.0% 27.0% 27.0% 46% Jun 27
  • So far, 5 students, out of ~140,000 worldwide, earned all 80 points possible on this year’s AP Physics 1 exam. We’ll notify them and their schools in September.
  • AP Physics 1 MC questions: scores improved considerably on questions about Energy (unit 4) & Simple Harmonic Motion (unit 6), and Torque & Rotational Motion (unit 7).
  • Unlike last year, students found AP Physics 1 MC questions on units 2 (Dynamics) and 3 (Circular Motion & Gravitation) most challenging, where their average was 43%.
  • AP Physics 1 FR questions: highest scores were on Q1 (short answer on energy) and Q2 (experimental design), where 20% and 9% of students, respectively, earned all pts possible. Q3 (Qual/Quant Translation) was most challenging.
Physics 2 - Algebra Based 15.0% 18.0% 35.0% 25.0% 7.0% 68% Jun 27
  • AP Physics 2 MC questions: students performed strongest on Thermodynamics questions (Unit 2), where 9% earned all 9/9 possible points.
  • Unit 7 (Quantum, Atomic, & Nuclear Physics) remained the most challenging AP Physics 2 MC questions, although the avg score (43%) was slightly higher than last year.
  • AP Physics 2 FR questions: Students performed very well on Q2 (experimental design / thermodynamics); most challenging were questions 1 (paragraph / modern physics) and 4 (magnetism), both of which had avg scores of 36%.
Physics C E&M 27.0% 23.0% 17.0% 20.0% 13.0% 67% Jun 27
Physics C Mech. 23.0% 29.0% 23.0% 14.0% 11.0% 75% Jun 27
Precalculus 25.0% 25.0% 26.0% 15.0% 10.0% 76% Jun 28
  • 45 AP Precalculus students, out of ~152,000 worldwide whose exams have been scored so far, earned all 64/64 points possible on this year’s free-response and MC questions. We’ll notify these students and their schools in September.
  • MC section: Students scored especially well on questions that required them to use Skill 3C (Supporting conclusions with a logical rationale or appropriate data); 25% of students earned every such point possible.

  •  MC section: Students found questions that required Skill 3A (Describe the characteristics of a function) most challenging – the average on these questions was 46% correct.

  • FR section: Q1 & Q3 are the questions that best distinguish scores of 3+ from scores of 1-2; students getting 1s and 2s are generally unable to earn half the available points on these.

  • AP Precalculus FR section: Q2 & Q4 were focused on the more advanced precalculus students, distinguishing among 3s, 4s, and 5s; 1s and 2s generally were unable to meet this level of difficulty.

Psychology 18.0% 23.0% 20.0% 12.0% 27.0% 61% Jun 18
  • AP Psychology classrooms are recovering from pandemic learning loss; mastery of course content improved this year, but continues to lag behind pre-pandemic levels of achievement.
  • AP Psychology students continued to show strong understanding of Clinical Psychology (Unit 8), but also scored very well on questions about the Biological Bases of Behavior (Unit 2) and Sensation / Perception (Unit 3). ~30% of students earned all such MC points.
  • As is often the case, the most challenging unit for AP Psychology students was Motivation, Emotion, and Personality (Unit 7); Unit 4 (Learning) and Unit 6 (Developmental Psychology) were similarly challenging; the average MC score on these units was ~50% correct.
Spanish Language 21.0% 31.0% 31.0% 14.0% 3.0% 83% Jun 28
  • 58 students, out of ~172,000 students whose AP Spanish Lang exams have been scored so far, earned every pt possible (130/130) across the cultural presentation, conversation, argument essay, email writing, & MC questions. We’ll notify the students and their schools in September.
  • MC questions: Students performed superbly on unit 3 (Influences of Beauty & Art), with 37% earning all possible pts; unit 6 questions (Environmental, Political, & Societal Challenges) proved most difficult, with 10% earning at least 19 of 21 possible pts.
  • Students performed very well on all 4 Spanish Lang FR questions; highest scores were on Q3, a conversation task about a class project involving plans for a trip to a Spanish-speaking country; a massive 55% earned all 5/5 possible points. ¡Felicidades!
  • The most challenging was FR Q4 (a presentation comparing public celebrations in 2 cultures), though a solid 15% earned all possible pts.
Spanish Literature 9.0% 23.0% 34.0% 22.0% 12.0% 66% Jun 20
  • MC questions: once again, students demonstrated strongest performance on questions about implied meanings, inferences, tone, themes, and perspectives (skills 1E-H); great work on complex texts and tasks.
  • The most challenging MC questions focused on critical commentary, the final portion of the MC section of the exam; the average score on these questions was 48% correct.
  • FR questions: students scored highest on Q2, the text and art comparison between Darío’s “A Roosevelt” and Kahlo’s Autorretrato en la frointera entre México y Estados Unidos. 25% of students earned 3/3 points possible for their content and 57% earned 3/3 points possible for language usage.
  • Essay questions: the most challenging part of this year’s exam was Q3, the Conde Lucanor analysis. This is traditionally the most difficult exam question. 7% of students earned 5/5 points possible for their content and 20% earned 5/5 points possible for language usage.
Statistics 17.0% 22.0% 23.0% 16.0% 22.0% 62% Jun 18
  • Kudos to this year’s stellar group of AP Statistics students! They demonstrated stronger mastery than any prior year’s group, for as long as I’ve been tracking this: highest percentage of 5s and highest percentage of 3+ scores.
  • AP Statistics MC questions: students generally demonstrated strong data analysis skills; 46% of students earned most of those available points; in contrast, students’ weakest skill was using probability and simulation; 8% of students earned most of those points.
  • AP Statistics FR questions: many students did superb work on Q5 (the baseball card collection); a sizeable 22% earned every point possible.


United States History 13.0% 33.0% 26.0% 20.0% 8.0% 72% Jun 24
  • The APUSH score distribution is psychometrically derived from large-scale campus research, which found that a significantly broader proportion of APUSH students now outperform their college peers in subsequent college history courses.
  • In many ways the findings on APUSH students’ strong success when placing ahead in college is unsurprising: tallying of instructional hours has found that APUSH students now typically spend many more hours in instruction on this material than those taking a college USH survey.
  • AP US History MC questions: such impressive scores here, the strongest I’ve seen in any subject this year so far, but esp on questions re: 1754-1800 (Unit 3), in which 39% of APUSH students answered every question right, & on questions on content from 1945 - present (Units 8-9).
  • The single lowest scoring component of this year’s APUSH exam (Set 1) was Short Answer #1 (origins of the 19th century women’s rights movement); avg score was 44%. SAQs that ask students to compare two different historians’ views are often the most challenging.
  • APUSH DBQ (impact of slavery on US society, 1783-1840) had ideal difficulty for distinguishing different performance levels. *2% of students earned the thesis pt; 60% earned contextualization; 89% earned 1+ evidence pt; 43% earned 1+ analysis/reasoning pt.
  • AP US History Long Essays: Some very good essays on each of these three topics. Out of 6 points possible: 22% earned 5+ points on Q2; 34% earned 5+ points on Q3; and 38% earned 5+ points on Q4.
World History 12.0% 32.0% 20.0% 28.0% 9.0% 64% Jun 25